Ayush Group of Education

ME/M.Tech Courses In Jaipur

Full form of ME is Master of Engineering and that of MTech is Master of Innovation. MTech is an expert postgraduate engineering master certification program granted to up-and-comers after culmination of two years of concentrate in the discipline of engineering. This degree is predicated in a particular part of engineering.

In India, the ME/MTech degree is presented across different specializations. These specializations incorporate Structural Engineering, Software engineering and Engineering, Substance Engineering, Electrical Engineering, VLSI, Mechanical Engineering, Gadgets and Correspondence Engineering and so on.

M.Tech- Civil Engineering

M.Tech- Mechanical Engineering

M.Tech- Electrical Engineering

M.Tech- Computer Engineering

M.Tech- Information Technology

M.Tech- Electronics Engineering

M.Tech- Chemical Engineering

M.Tech- Automobile Engineering

Top Universities


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